Unprecedented accuracy for your next roofing project
Get a bird’s eye view of your next roofing job with feet firmly planted on the ground using EagleView property measurement reports.

For a Limited Time!
Attend a demo with an EagleView representative, and receive your first report free.
Offer ends 12/31
Property Insights for Smarter Planning, Building, and Efficiency
For more than a decade, EagleView has been the gold standard for accurate property measurement data, and we’ve recently captured new, ultra-high-resolution imagery and measurements throughout Canada.
Millions of roofing, siding, and solar installation jobs have been completed using EagleView’s always consistent and accurate property measurements derived from high-resolution aerial imagery, which are calculated down to the individual pixel.

Explore Property Data and Roof Report Solutions
Grow and Scale your Roofing Business

Bid with
Measurements are pulled from imagery that is 4x the detail of standard aerial imagery & 70x that of satellite, with 5 cm or better ground sample distance.

Reduce Turnaround Times
Respond to homeowners faster with an EagleView report delivered to you remotely, helping you bid virtually or in-person without the roof climb.

Cut Costs
Pull an EagleView and reduce or eliminate the need for an on-site visit – reducing labor, insurance and vehicle costs.

More Money
Order materials based on precise, accurate measurements to eliminate shortages or waste due to over-ordering.

We’ve saved millions over the years by using EagleView, and that’s only looking at the savings of always ordering the correct amount of materials. I can’t even imagine how much it is when you look at the time savings, the additional jobs won and avoiding worker’s compensation costs.”

Scott Riopelle
CEO and Owner
Interstate Roofing